Sun City Center, FL 33573      (813) 600-1795     

Exempt or Non-Exempt Classification

Exempt or Non-Exempt Classification

Exempt or Non-Exempt Classification

This course will cover the changes announced by the Department of Labor scheduled to take effect in stages over the next few months.

Estimated Time: 38 Minutes

  • What is the minimum wage for exempt
  • The five classifications of Exempt employees
  • What can be done to correct misclassification
  • What is and is not allowed when it comes to exempt employees.

Course Instructor

F4 Corporation F4 Corporation Author

Mr. Francis is the President/CEO of F4 Corporation. He has been developing and delivering training for over 35 years. He has spent the last 30 years in the field of Human Resources, and received his graduate degree in Executive Human Resource Development in 2003.

Exempt or Non-Exempt

30 days of access

What Others Have Said

By F4 Corporation

Mr. Francis is the President/CEO of F4 Corporation. He has been developing and delivering training for over 35 years. He has spent the last 30 years in the field of Human Resources, and received his graduate degree in Executive Human Resource Development in 2003.

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